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Interior Motives Decorating, LLC is a full scope, innovative and unique design firm. We have been in the business for over 30 years, serving the Front Range, Evergreen, Morrison, Conifer and Mountain communities. From window treatments and furniture, to full renovations and finished design materials. We work with Residential customers as well as their Architects and Contractors to create functional spaces, and dream spaces. Interior Motives Decorating offers a wide variety of design skills to complete any project with any budget. We design hand painted murals to coordinate fabric and themes for special spaces. Designing and painting kids rooms are are in our scope of work, as well as textures and faux painting. We have professional, custom work rooms, with abilities to assemble the most imaginative window treatments, one of a kind bedding and soft accessories, to fit any decor. We can design any theme or taste whether Old World, Modern, Contemporary to Eclectic. So don't throw out those wonderful antiques, collections, curios, from all over the world. We can make it work!

Please visit us at Interiormotivesdeoratingllc   on HOUZZ   

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